
"Accompanying in-travel" state - this is an actor state used when an actor is taking part in a group travel operation. This state lasts only as long as the single turn - which belongs to the lead actor - that it takes to carry out the group travel. Once our turn comes around, we'll restore the actor to the previous state - or, we can set the actor to a different state, if desired. Setting the actor to a different state is useful when the group travel triggers a new scripted activity in the new room.

class AccompanyingInTravelState :   ActorState

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

leadActor  nextState 

Inherited from ActorState :
autoSuggest  getImpliedConvState  isInitState  location  stateDesc  stateSuggestedTopics 

Inherited from ActorTopicDatabase :
askForTopics  askTopics  commandTopics  giveTopics  initiateTopics  miscTopics  showTopics  specialTopics  tellTopics 

Inherited from TopicDatabase :
limitSuggestions  suggestedTopics  topicGroupActive  topicGroupScoreAdjustment 

Summary of Methods  

construct  initiateTopic  sayArrivingLocally  sayDeparting  sayDepartingDir  sayDepartingDownStairs  sayDepartingLocally  sayDepartingThroughPassage  sayDepartingUpStairs  sayDepartingViaPath  specialDesc  takeTurn 

Inherited from ActorState :
activateState  afterAction  afterTravel  arrivingTurn  arrivingWithDesc  beforeAction  beforeTravel  deactivateState  distantSpecialDesc  endConversation  getActor  getNominalTraveler  getSuggestedTopicList  getTopicOwner  handleConversation  initializeActorState  justFollowed  notifyTopicResponse  obeyCommand  remoteSpecialDesc  showSpecialDescInContents  specialDescListWith  suggestTopicsFor 

Inherited from TravelMessageHandler :
sayArriving  sayArrivingDir  sayArrivingDownStairs  sayArrivingThroughPassage  sayArrivingUpStairs  sayArrivingViaPath  sayTravelingRemotely 

Inherited from ActorTopicDatabase :

Inherited from TopicDatabase :
addSuggestedTopic  addTopic  addTopicToList  compareVocabMatch  findTopicResponse  handleTopic  removeSuggestedTopic  removeTopic  removeTopicFromList  showSuggestedTopicList 



the lead actor of the group travel

the next state - we'll switch our actor to this state after the travel has been completed


construct (actor, lead, next)OVERRIDDENactor.t[5366]

no description available

initiateTopic (obj)OVERRIDDENactor.t[5413]
initiate a topic - defer to the next state

sayArrivingLocally (dest, conn)OVERRIDDENactor.t[5454]
Describe local travel using our standard departure message as well. This is used to describe our travel when our origin and destination locations are both visible to the PC; in these cases, we don't describe the departure separately because the whole process of travel from departure to arrival is visible to the PC and thus is best handled with a single message, which we generate here. In our case, since the "accompanying" state describes even normal travel as though it were visible all along, we can use our standard "departing" message to describe local travel as well.

sayDeparting (conn)OVERRIDDENactor.t[5435]
Override our departure messages. When we're accompanying another actor on a group travel, the lead actor will, as part of its turn, send each accompanying actor (including us) on ahead. This means that the lead actor will see us departing from the starting location, because we'll leave before the lead actor has itself departed. Rather than using the normal "Bob leaves to the west" departure report, customize the departure reports to indicate specifically that we're going with the lead actor. (Note that we only have to handle the departing messages, since group travel always sends accompanying actors on ahead of the main actor, hence the accompanying actors will always be seen departing, not arriving.)

Note that all of these call our generic sayDeparting() method by default, so a subclass can catch all of the departure types at once just by overriding sayDeparting(). Overriding the individual methods is still desirable, of course, if you want separate messages for the different departure types.

sayDepartingDir (dir, conn)OVERRIDDENactor.t[5437]
no description available

sayDepartingDownStairs (conn)OVERRIDDENactor.t[5441]
no description available

sayDepartingLocally (dest, conn)OVERRIDDENactor.t[5455]
no description available

sayDepartingThroughPassage (conn)OVERRIDDENactor.t[5438]
no description available

sayDepartingUpStairs (conn)OVERRIDDENactor.t[5440]
no description available

sayDepartingViaPath (conn)OVERRIDDENactor.t[5439]
no description available

specialDesc ( )OVERRIDDENactor.t[5389]
Show our "I am here" description. By default, we'll use the arrivingWithDesc of the *next* state object.

takeTurn ( )OVERRIDDENactor.t[5392]
take our turn

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 8/21/2012 from TADS version 3.1.2