
Guided Tour state. This provides a simple way of defining a "guided tour," which is a series of locations to which we try to guide the player character. We don't force the player character to travel as specified; we merely try to lead the player. The actual travel is up to the player.

Here's how this works. For each location on the guided tour, create one of these state objects. Set escortDest to the travel connector to which we're attempting to guide the player character from the current location. Set stateAfterEscort to the state object for the next location on the tour. Set stateDesc to something indicating that we're trying to show the player to the next stop - something along the lines of "Bob waits for you by the door." Set arrivingWithDesc to a message indicating that we just showed up in the current location and are ready to show the player to the next - "Bob goes to the door and waits for you to follow him."

class GuidedTourState :   AccompanyingState

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

escortActor  escortDest  escortStateClass  stateAfterEscort 

Inherited from ActorState :
autoSuggest  getImpliedConvState  isInitState  location  stateDesc  stateSuggestedTopics 

Inherited from ActorTopicDatabase :
askForTopics  askTopics  commandTopics  giveTopics  initiateTopics  miscTopics  showTopics  specialTopics  tellTopics 

Inherited from TopicDatabase :
limitSuggestions  suggestedTopics  topicGroupActive  topicGroupScoreAdjustment 

Summary of Methods  

accompanyTravel  getAccompanyingTravelState 

Inherited from AccompanyingState :

Inherited from ActorState :
activateState  afterAction  afterTravel  arrivingTurn  arrivingWithDesc  beforeAction  construct  deactivateState  distantSpecialDesc  endConversation  getActor  getNominalTraveler  getSuggestedTopicList  getTopicOwner  handleConversation  initializeActorState  justFollowed  notifyTopicResponse  obeyCommand  remoteSpecialDesc  showSpecialDescInContents  specialDesc  specialDescListWith  suggestTopicsFor  takeTurn 

Inherited from TravelMessageHandler :
sayArriving  sayArrivingDir  sayArrivingDownStairs  sayArrivingLocally  sayArrivingThroughPassage  sayArrivingUpStairs  sayArrivingViaPath  sayDeparting  sayDepartingDir  sayDepartingDownStairs  sayDepartingLocally  sayDepartingThroughPassage  sayDepartingUpStairs  sayDepartingViaPath  sayTravelingRemotely 

Inherited from ActorTopicDatabase :
initiateTopic  showTopicResponse 

Inherited from TopicDatabase :
addSuggestedTopic  addTopic  addTopicToList  compareVocabMatch  findTopicResponse  handleTopic  removeSuggestedTopic  removeTopic  removeTopicFromList  showSuggestedTopicList 



the actor we're escorting - this is usually the player character

the travel connector we're trying to show the player into

The class we use for our actor state during the escort travel. By default, we use the basic guided-tour accompanying travel state class, but games will probably want to use a customized subclass of this basic class in most cases. The main reason to use a custom subclass is to provide customized messages to describe the departure of the escorting actor.

The next state for our actor to assume after the travel. This should be overridden and set to the state object for the next stop on the tour.


accompanyTravel (traveler, conn)OVERRIDDENextras.t[2430]

we should accompany the travel if the actor we're guiding will be traveling, and they're traveling to the next stop on our tour

getAccompanyingTravelState (traveler, conn)OVERRIDDENextras.t[2439]
get our accompanying state object - we'll create an instance of the class specified in our escortStateClass property

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 8/21/2012 from TADS version 3.1.2