InteractiveResolverclassdisambig.t[335], en_us.t[3356]

Base class for resolvers used when answering interactive questions. This class doesn't do anything in the library directly, but it provides a structured point for language extensions to hook in as needed with 'modify'.

Modified in en_us.t[3356]:
Custom interactive resolver. This is used for responses to disambiguation questions and prompts for missing noun phrases.

class InteractiveResolver :   ProxyResolver

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  


Summary of Methods  

getReflexiveBinding  resolvePronounAntecedent  resolvePronounAsTargetActor 

Inherited from ProxyResolver :
construct  getPossessiveResolver  propNotDefined 




getReflexiveBinding (typ)en_us.t[3396]

Get the reflexive third-person pronoun binding (himself, herself, itself, themselves). If the target actor isn't the PC, and the gender of the pronoun matches, we'll consider this as referring to the target actor. This allows exchanges of this form:

>bob, examine
What do you want Bob to examine? *.

resolvePronounAntecedent (typ, np, results, poss)en_us.t[3373]
Resolve a pronoun antecedent. We'll resolve a third-person singular pronoun to the target actor if the target actor matches in gender, and the target actor isn't the PC. This allows exchanges like this:

>bob, examine
What do you want Bob to look at? *.
>his book

In the above exchange, we'll treat "his" as referring to Bob, the target actor of the action, because we have referred to Bob in the partial command (the "BOB, EXAMINE") that triggered the interactive question.

resolvePronounAsTargetActor (typ)en_us.t[3414]
Try matching the given pronoun type to the target actor. If it matches in gender, and the target actor isn't the PC, we'll return a resolve list consisting of the target actor. If we don't have a match, we'll return nil.

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 8/21/2012 from TADS version 3.1.2