
Standard inventory lister for actors - this will work for the player character and NPC's as well. This lister uses a "divided" format, which segregates the listing into items being carried and items being worn. We'll combine the two lists into a single sentence if the overall list is short, otherwise we'll show two separate sentences for readability.

actorInventoryLister :   DividedInventoryLister

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Summary of Properties  


Inherited from DividedInventoryLister :
carryingLister  singleSentenceMaxNouns  wearingLister 

Inherited from Lister :

Summary of Methods  

countPhrases  showCombinedInventoryList  showInventoryCarryingOnly  showInventoryEmpty  showInventoryLongLists  showInventoryShortLists  showInventoryWearingOnly  showListContentsPrefixTall  showListEmpty  showListPrefixTall 

Inherited from DividedInventoryLister :

Inherited from InventoryLister :
isListed  showContentsList  showInlineContentsList  showListItem  showListItemCounted 

Inherited from Lister :
contentsListed  contentsListedSeparately  getArrangedListCardinality  getArrangedListNounPhraseCount  getContents  getFilteredList  getListedContents  getListGrouping  getTopLister  listCardinality  listSepEnd  listSepMiddle  listSepTwo  listWith  longListSepEnd  longListSepMiddle  longListSepTwo  showArrangedList  showListAll  showListIndent  showListPrefixWide  showListSeparator  showListSimple  showListSuffixWide  showSeparateContents  showTallListNewline 



return the count


countPhrases (txt)msg_neu.t[4570]

Count the noun phrases in a string. We'll count the number of elements in the list as indicated by commas and semicolons. This might not be a perfect count of the actual number of noun phrases, since we could have commas setting off some other kind of clauses, but it nonetheless will give us a good estimate of the overall complexity of the text, which is what we're really after. The point is that we want to break up the listings if they're long, but combine them into a single sentence if they're short.

showCombinedInventoryList (parent, carrying, wearing)OVERRIDDENmsg_neu.t[4518]
Show the combined inventory listing, putting together the raw lists of the items being carried and the items being worn.

showInventoryCarryingOnly (parent, carrying)msg_neu.t[4623]
we're carrying nothing but wearing some items

showInventoryEmpty (parent)msg_neu.t[4612]
Once we've made up our mind about the format, we'll call one of these methods to show the final sentence. These are all separate methods so that the individual formats can be easily tweaked without overriding the whole combined-inventory-listing method.

showInventoryLongLists (parent, carrying, wearing)msg_neu.t[4636]
short lists - combine carried and worn in a single sentence

showInventoryShortLists (parent, carrying, wearing)msg_neu.t[4628]
we have only carried items to report

showInventoryWearingOnly (parent, wearing)msg_neu.t[4617]
empty inventory

showListContentsPrefixTall (itemCount, pov, parent)OVERRIDDENmsg_neu.t[4651]
no description available

showListEmpty (pov, parent)OVERRIDDENmsg_neu.t[4653]
no description available

showListPrefixTall (itemCount, pov, parent)OVERRIDDENmsg_neu.t[4649]
For 'tall' listings, we'll use the standard listing style, so we need to provide the framing messages for the tall-mode listing.

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 8/21/2012 from TADS version 3.1.2