
Library Messages

libMessages :   MessageHelper

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Summary of Properties  

commandFullScore  commandInterruptionPrefix  commandLookAround  commandNotPresent  commandResultsEmpty  commandResultsPrefix  commandResultsSeparator  commandResultsSuffix  complexResultsSeparator  currentlyClosed  currentlyLocked  currentlyNoHints  currentlyOpen  currentlyUnlocked  defaultsFileNotSupported  defaultsFileWriteError  dlgButtonCancel  dlgButtonNo  dlgButtonOk  dlgButtonYes  dlgTitleError  dlgTitleInfo  dlgTitleNone  dlgTitleQuestion  dlgTitleWarning  emptyCommandResponse  finishDeathMsg  finishFailureMsg  finishGameOverMsg  finishVictoryMsg  getRecordingPrompt  getReplayPrompt  getRestorePrompt  getSavePrompt  getScriptingPrompt  hintsDisabled  hintsDone  hintsNotPresent  inputFileScriptWarningButtons  inputScriptFailed  internalResultsSeparator  intraCommandSeparator  listSepEnd  listSepMiddle  listSepTwo  longListSepEnd  longListSepMiddle  longListSepTwo  menuKeyList  menuLongTopicEnd  menuTopicListEnd  nextMenuTopicLink  noAboutInfo  noteWithoutScript  noteWithoutScriptWarning  noteWithScript  notOnboardShip  noTopicsNotTalking  offerOopsNote  oopsMissingWord  oopsOutOfContext  prevMenuLink  recordingCanceled  recordingFailed  recordingOkay  recordOffIgnored  recordOffOkay  replayCanceled  roomDarkDesc  roomDarkName  scoreNotPresent  scriptingCanceled  scriptingFailed  scriptOffIgnored  scriptOffOkay  settingsItemSeparator  showFullScorePrefix  showHintWarning  sorryHintsDisabled  webUploadTooBig  whomPronoun 

Summary of Methods  

acknowledgeFootnoteStatus  acknowledgeNotifyStatus  acknowledgeTipStatus  acknowledgeVerboseMode  actorHereGroupPrefix  actorHereGroupSuffix  actorInGroupPrefix  actorInGroupSuffix  actorInRemoteGroupPrefix  actorInRemoteGroupSuffix  actorInRemoteNestedRoom  actorInRemoteRoom  actorInRoom  actorInRoomPosture  actorInRoomStatus  actorThereGroupPrefix  actorThereGroupSuffix  againCannotChangeActor  againCannotTalkToTarget  againNotPossible  allInSameListState  alreadyTalkingTo  announceAmbigActionObject  announceDefaultObject  announceImplicitAction  announceMoveToBag  announceMultiActionObject  announceRemappedAction  basicScoreChange  candleBurnedOut  cannotReachContents  cannotReachObject  cannotReachOutside  cannotTalkTo  closedMsg  confirmQuit  confirmRestart  currentExitsSettings  defaultsFileReadError  dimReadDesc  distantThingDesc  distantThingSmellDesc  distantThingSoundDesc  exitsOnOffOkay  explainExitsOnOff  filePromptFailed  filePromptFailedMsg  firstFootnote  firstScoreChange  footnoteRef  fullScoreItemPoints  inputFileScriptWarning  inputScriptFailedException  inputScriptOkay  invalidCommandToken  invalidFinishOption  litCandleDesc  litMatchDesc  lockedMsg  mainCommandPrompt  makeSentence  matchBurnedOut  mentionFullScore  menuInstructions  menuNextChapter  menuTopicProgress  noCommandForAgain  noSuchFootnote  noteMainRestore  notRestarting  notTerminating  objBurnedOut  obscuredReadDesc  obscuredThingDesc  obscuredThingSmellDesc  obscuredThingSoundDesc  offMsg  okayQuitting  onMsg  oopsNote  openMsg  openStatusMsg  parserErrorString  pauseEnded  pausePrompt  pauseSaving  pcDesc  putDestBehind  putDestContainer  putDestFloor  putDestRoom  putDestSurface  putDestUnder  recordingFailedException  restoreCanceled  restoreCorruptedFile  restoredDefaults  restoreFailed  restoreFailedOnServer  restoreInvalidFile  restoreInvalidMatch  restoreOkay  roomActorHereDesc  roomActorPostureDesc  roomActorStatus  roomActorThereDesc  saveCanceled  savedDefaults  saveFailed  saveFailedOnServer  saveOkay  sayArriving  sayArrivingDir  sayArrivingDownStairs  sayArrivingLocally  sayArrivingShipDir  sayArrivingThroughPassage  sayArrivingUpStairs  sayArrivingViaPath  sayDeparting  sayDepartingAft  sayDepartingDir  sayDepartingDownStairs  sayDepartingFore  sayDepartingLocally  sayDepartingShipDir  sayDepartingThroughPassage  sayDepartingUpStairs  sayDepartingViaPath  sayDepartingWith  sayDepartingWithGuide  sayOpenDoorRemotely  sayTravelingRemotely  scoreChange  scriptingFailedException  scriptingOkay  scriptingOkayWebTemp  shortFootnoteStatus  shortNotifyStatus  shortVerboseStatus  showCredit  showFinishMsg  showFootnoteStatus  showListState  showNotifyStatus  showScoreMessage  showScoreNoMaxMessage  showScoreRankMessage  showVersion  silentImplicitAction  smellDescSeparator  smellIsFromWithin  smellIsFromWithout  soundDescSeparator  soundIsFromWithin  soundIsFromWithout  systemActionToNPC  textMenuMainPrompt  textMenuTopicPrompt  thingFeelDesc  thingTasteDesc  tipStatusShort  undoFailed  undoOkay  unlitMatchDesc  unlockedMsg  webNewUser 

Inherited from MessageHelper :
askDisambigList  shortTIMsg  shortTMsg 



no description available

Command "interruption" group prefix. This is displayed after an interrupted command line - a command line editing session that was interrupted by a timeout event - just before the text that interrupted the command line.

By default, we'll show a paragraph break here, to set off the interrupting text from the command line under construction.

some standard commands for insertion into <a> tags - these are in the messages so they can translated along with the command set

optional command is not supported in this game

Empty command results - this is shown when we read a command line and then go back and read another without having displaying anything.

By default, we'll return a message indicating that nothing happened.

Command group prefix - this is displayed after a command line and before the first command results shown after the command line.

By default, we'll show the "zero-space paragraph" marker, which acts like a paragraph break in that it swallows up immediately following paragraph breaks, but doesn't actually add any space. This will ensure that we don't add any space between the command input line and the next text.

Command separator - this is displayed after the results from a command when another command is about to be executed without any more user input. That is, when a command line contains more than one command, this message is displayed between each successive command, to separate the results visually.

This is not shown before the first command results after a command input line, and is not shown after the last results before a new input line. Furthermore, this is shown only between adjacent commands for which output actually occurs; if a series of commands executes without any output, we won't show any separators between the silent commands.

By default, we'll just start a new paragraph.

Command results suffix - this is displayed just before a new command line is about to be read if any command results have been shown since the last command line.

By default, we'll show nothing extra.

"Complex" result separator - this is displayed between a group of messages for a "complex" result set and adjoining messages. A command result list is "complex" when it's built up out of several generated items, such as object identification prefixes or implied command prefixes. We use additional visual separation to set off these groups of messages from adjoining messages, which is especially important for commands on multiple objects, where we would otherwise have several results shown together. By default, we use a paragraph break.

no description available

object is currently locked/unlocked

there are currently no hints available (but there might be later)

object is currently open/closed

no description available

SAVE/RESTORE DEFAULTS not supported (old interpreter version)

SAVE DEFAULTS file creation error

no description available

no description available

Standard dialog button labels, for the Web UI. These are built in to the conventional interpreters, but in the Web UI we have to generate these ourselves.

no description available

no description available

no description available

Standard dialog titles, for the Web UI. These are shown in the title bar area of the Web UI dialog used for inputDialog() calls. These correspond to the InDlgIconXxx icons. The conventional interpreters use built-in titles when titles are needed at all, but in the Web UI we have to generate these ourselves.

no description available

no description available

show the response to an empty command line

standard game-ending messages for the common outcomes

no description available

no description available

no description available

get the RECORD prompt

REPLAY prompt

get the restore-game prompt

Get the save-game file prompt. Note that this must return a single-quoted string value, not display a value itself, because this prompt is passed to inputFile().

get the scripting inputFile prompt message

acknowledge HINTS OFF

done with hints

this game has no hints

build the message

error opening input script

Internal results separator - this is displayed to visually separate the results of an implied command from the results for the initiating command, which are shown after the results from the implied command. By default, we show a paragraph break.

Intra-command report separator. This is used to separate report messages within a single command's results. By default, we show a paragraph break.

the list separator for the end of a list of at least three elements

the list separator character in the middle of a list

the list separator character for a two-element list

the list separator for the end of a long list

the list separator for the middle of a long list (a list with embedded lists not otherwise set off, such as by parentheses)

the list separator for a two-element list of sublists

Command key list for the menu system. This uses the format defined for MenuItem.keyList in the menu system. Keys must be given as lower-case in order to match input, since the menu system converts input keys to lower case before matching keys to this list.

Note that the first item in each list is what will be given in the navigation menu, which is why the fifth list contains 'ENTER' as its first item, even though this will never match a key press.

Message to display at the end of a "long topic" in the menu system. We'll display this at the end of the long topic's contents.

Message to display at the end of a topic list. We'll display this after we've displayed all available items from a MenuTopicItem's list of items, to let the user know that there are no more items available.

link title for 'next topic' navigation link in topic lists

there's no "about" information in this game

no description available

on the first comment without transcript recording, warn about it

comment accepted, with or without transcript recording in effect

a shipboard direction was attempted while not onboard a ship

no topics to suggest when we're not talking to anyone

Flag: offer an explanation of the "OOPS" command when it first comes up. We'll only show this the first time the player enters an unknown word. If you never want to offer this message at all, simply set this flag to nil initially.

See also oopsNote() below.

OOPS in context, but without the word to correct

can't use OOPS right now

link title for 'previous menu' navigation link

acknowledge cancellation

recording failed

acknowledge recording on

RECORD OFF ignored because we're not recording commands

recording turned off

REPLAY file selection canceled

generic long description of a dark room

generic short description of a dark room

this game doesn't use scoring

acknowledge cancellation of script file dialog

scripting failed

SCRIPT OFF ignored because we're not in a script file

acknowledge scripting off

show a separator for the settingsUI.showAll() list

show the list prefix for the full score listing; this is shown on a line by itself before the list of full score items, shown indented and one item per line

show the hint system warning

rebuff a request for hints when they've been previously disabled

Web UI inputFile error: uploaded file is too large

The pronoun to use for the objective form of the personal interrogative pronoun. Strictly speaking, the right word for this usage is "whom"; but regardless of what the grammar books say, most American English speakers these days use "who" for both the subjective and objective cases; to many ears, "whom" sounds old-fashioned, overly formal, or even pretentious. (Case in point: a recent television ad tried to make a little kid look ultra-sophisticated by having him answer the phone by asking "*whom* may I ask is calling?", with elaborate emphasis on the "whom." Of course, the correct usage in this case is "who," so the ad only made the kid look pretentious. It goes to show that, at least in the mind of the writer of the ad, "whom" is just the snooty, formal version of "who" that serves only to signal the speaker's sophistication.)

By default, we distinguish "who" and "whom." Authors who prefer to use "who" everywhere can do so by changing this property's value to 'who'.


acknowledgeFootnoteStatus (stat)msg_neu.t[412]

acknowledge a change in the footnote status

acknowledgeNotifyStatus (stat)msg_neu.t[620]
acknowledge a change in the score notification status

acknowledgeTipStatus (stat)msg_neu.t[341]
acknowledge turning tips on or off

acknowledgeVerboseMode (verbose)msg_neu.t[598]
acknowledge setting VERBOSE mode (true) or TERSE mode (nil)

actorHereGroupPrefix (posture, lst)msg_neu.t[1449]
Prefix/suffix messages for listing actors in a room description, for cases when the actors' nominal container cannot be seen or is not to be stated: "Bob and Bill are standing here."

Note that we don't always want to state the nominal container, even when it's visible. For example, when actors are standing on the floor, we don't bother saying that they're on the floor, as that's stating the obvious. The container will decide whether or not it wants to be included in the message; containers that don't want to be mentioned will use this form of the message.

actorHereGroupSuffix (posture, lst)msg_neu.t[1450]
no description available

actorInGroupPrefix (posture, cont, lst)msg_neu.t[1416]
Prefix/suffix messages for listing actors in a room description, for cases when the actors are in the local room in a nominal container that we want to mention: "Bob and Bill are sitting on the couch."

actorInGroupSuffix (posture, cont, lst)msg_neu.t[1417]
no description available

actorInRemoteGroupPrefix (pov, posture, cont, remote, lst)msg_neu.t[1429]
Prefix/suffix messages for listing actors in a room description, for cases when the actors are inside a nested room that's inside a remote location: "Bob and Bill are in the courtyard, sitting on the bench."

actorInRemoteGroupSuffix (pov, posture, cont, remote, lst)msg_neu.t[1430]
no description available

actorInRemoteNestedRoom (actor, inner, outer, pov)msg_neu.t[1399]
mention that the given actor is visible, at a distance or remotely, in the given nested room within the given outer location; this is used in room descriptions

actorInRemoteRoom (actor, room, pov)msg_neu.t[1387]
mention that the given actor is visible, at a distance or remotely, in the given location; this is used in room descriptions when an NPC is visible in a remote or distant location

actorInRoom (actor, cont)msg_neu.t[1352]
Mention that an actor is in a given local room, as part of a room description. This is used as a default "special description" for an actor.

actorInRoomPosture (actor, room)msg_neu.t[1364]
Describe an actor as standing/sitting/lying on something, as part of the actor's EXAMINE description. This is additional information added to the actor's description, so we refer to the actor with a pronoun ("He's standing here").

actorInRoomStatus (actor, room)msg_neu.t[1318]
show a status line addendum: standing in/on something

actorThereGroupPrefix (pov, posture, remote, lst)msg_neu.t[1462]
Prefix/suffix messages for listing actors in a room description, for cases when the actors' immediate container cannot be seen or is not to be stated, and the actors are in a remote location: "Bob and Bill are in the courtyard."

actorThereGroupSuffix (pov, posture, remote, lst)msg_neu.t[1463]
no description available

againCannotChangeActor ( )msg_neu.t[695]
'again' cannot be directed to a different actor

againCannotTalkToTarget (issuer, target)msg_neu.t[702]
'again': can no longer talk to target actor

againNotPossible (issuer)msg_neu.t[708]
the last command cannot be repeated in the present context

allInSameListState (lst, stateName)msg_neu.t[174]
a set of equivalents are all in a given state

alreadyTalkingTo (actor, greeter)msg_neu.t[568]
greeting actor while actor is already talking to us

announceAmbigActionObject (obj, whichObj, action)msg_neu.t[655]
Announce a singleton object that we selected from a set of ambiguous objects. This is used when we disambiguate a command and choose an object over other objects that are also logical but are less likely. In such cases, it's courteous to tell the player what we chose, because it's possible that the user meant one of the other logical objects - announcing this type of choice helps reduce confusion by making it immediately plain to the player when we make a choice other than what they were thinking.

announceDefaultObject (obj, whichObj, action, resolvedAllObjects)msg_neu.t[677]
Announce a singleton object we selected as a default for a missing noun phrase.

'resolvedAllObjects' indicates where we are in the command processing: this is true if we've already resolved all of the other objects in the command, nil if not. We use this information to get the phrasing right according to the situation.

announceImplicitAction (action, ctx)msg_neu.t[129]
Get a string to announce an implicit action. This announces the current global action. 'ctx' is an ImplicitAnnouncementContext object describing the context in which the message is being displayed.

announceMoveToBag (action, ctx)msg_neu.t[149]
Get a string to announce that we're implicitly moving an object to a bag of holding to make room for taking something new. If 'trying' is true, it means we want to phrase the message as merely trying the action, not actually performing it.

announceMultiActionObject (obj, whichObj, action)msg_neu.t[632]
Announce the current object of a set of multiple objects on which we're performing an action. This is used to tell the player which object we're acting upon when we're iterating through a set of objects specified in a command targeting multiple objects.

announceRemappedAction (action)msg_neu.t[117]
announce a completely remapped action

basicScoreChange (delta)msg_neu.t[332]
basic score change notification message - this is an internal service routine for scoreChange and firstScoreChange

candleBurnedOut (obj)msg_neu.t[1694]
daemon report for burning out a candle

cannotReachContents (obj, loc)msg_neu.t[1259]
cannot reach an object, because the object is inside the given container

cannotReachObject (obj)msg_neu.t[1250]
cannot reach (i.e., touch) an object that is to be manipulated in a command - this is a generic message used when we cannot identify the specific reason that the object is in scope but cannot be touched

cannotReachOutside (obj, loc)msg_neu.t[1267]
cannot reach an object because it's outisde the given container

cannotTalkTo (targetActor, issuingActor)msg_neu.t[561]
a command was issued to a non-actor

closedMsg (obj)msg_neu.t[1661]
no description available

confirmQuit ( )msg_neu.t[721]
confirm that we really want to quit

confirmRestart ( )msg_neu.t[751]
confirm that they really want to restart

currentExitsSettings (statusLine, roomDesc)msg_neu.t[1050]
describe the current EXITS settings

defaultsFileReadError (exc)msg_neu.t[1143]
RESTORE DEFAULTS file open/read error

dimReadDesc (obj)msg_neu.t[234]
dim light "read" description

distantThingDesc (obj)msg_neu.t[178]
generic long description of a Thing from a distance

distantThingSmellDesc (obj)msg_neu.t[203]
generic "smell" description of a Thing at a distance

distantThingSoundDesc (obj)msg_neu.t[192]
generic "listen" description of a Thing at a distance

exitsOnOffOkay (stat, look)msg_neu.t[1029]
acknowledge new "exits on/off" status

explainExitsOnOff ( )msg_neu.t[1044]
explain how to turn exit display on and off

filePromptFailed ( )msg_neu.t[865]
error showing the input file dialog (or character-mode equivalent)

filePromptFailedMsg (msg)msg_neu.t[873]
error showing the input file dialog, with a system error message

firstFootnote ( )msg_neu.t[360]
first footnote notification

firstScoreChange (delta)msg_neu.t[315]
score change - first notification

footnoteRef (num)msg_neu.t[353]
get the string to display for a footnote reference

fullScoreItemPoints (points)msg_neu.t[309]
show the item prefix, with the number of points, for a full score item - immediately after this is displayed, we'll display the description message for the achievement

inputFileScriptWarning (warning, filename)msg_neu.t[1740]
Warning prompt for inputFile() warnings generated when reading a script file, for the Web UI. The interpreter normally displays these warnings directly, but in Web UI mode, the program is responsible, so we need localized messages.

inputScriptFailedException (exc)msg_neu.t[914]
exception opening input script

inputScriptOkay (fname)msg_neu.t[903]
acknowledge starting an input script

invalidCommandToken (ch)msg_neu.t[448]
invalid token (i.e., punctuation) in command line

invalidFinishOption (resp)msg_neu.t[1023]
invalid finishGame response

litCandleDesc (obj)msg_neu.t[245]
lit candle description

litMatchDesc (obj)msg_neu.t[241]
lit/unlit match description

lockedMsg (obj)msg_neu.t[1671]
locked/unlocked status - adjectives describing lock states

mainCommandPrompt (which)msg_neu.t[436]
Show the main command prompt.

'which' is one of the rmcXxx phase codes indicating what kind of command we're reading. This default implementation shows the same prompt for every type of input, but games can use the 'which' value to show different prompts for different types of queries, if desired.

makeSentence (msg)msg_neu.t[809]
make an error message into a sentence, by capitalizing the first letter and adding a period at the end if it doesn't already have one

matchBurnedOut (obj)msg_neu.t[1686]
daemon report for burning out a match

mentionFullScore ( )msg_neu.t[1102]
mention the FULL SCORE command

menuInstructions (keylist, prevLink)msg_neu.t[1227]
instructions text for banner-mode menus - this is displayed in the instructions bar at the top of the screen, above the menu banner area

menuNextChapter (keylist, title, hrefNext, hrefUp)msg_neu.t[1238]
show a 'next chapter' link

menuTopicProgress (cur, tot)msg_neu.t[1205]
Position indicator for topic list items - this is displayed after a topic list item to show the current item number and the total number of items in the list, to give the user an idea of where they are in the overall list.

noCommandForAgain ( )msg_neu.t[689]
'again' used with no prior command

noSuchFootnote (num)msg_neu.t[366]
there is no such footnote as the given number

noteMainRestore ( )msg_neu.t[817]
note that we're restoring at startup via a saved-position launch

notRestarting ( )msg_neu.t[758]
"not restarting" confirmation

notTerminating ( )msg_neu.t[745]
"not terminating" confirmation - this is displayed when the player doesn't acknowledge a 'quit' command with an affirmative response to our confirmation question

objBurnedOut (obj)msg_neu.t[1702]
daemon report for burning out a generic fueled light source

obscuredReadDesc (obj)msg_neu.t[226]
obscured "read" description

obscuredThingDesc (obj, obs)msg_neu.t[185]
generic long description of a Thing under obscured conditions

obscuredThingSmellDesc (obj, obs)msg_neu.t[207]
generic obscured "smell" description

obscuredThingSoundDesc (obj, obs)msg_neu.t[196]
generic obscured "listen" description

offMsg (obj)msg_neu.t[1683]
no description available

okayQuitting ( )msg_neu.t[738]
QUIT message. We display this to acknowledge an explicit player command to quit the game. This is the last message the game displays on the way out; there is no need to offer any options at this point, because the player has decided to exit the game.

By default, we show nothing; games can override this to display an acknowledgment if desired. Note that this isn't a general end-of-game 'goodbye' message; the library only shows this to acknowledge an explicit QUIT command from the player.

onMsg (obj)msg_neu.t[1682]
on/off status - these are simply adjectives that can be used to describe the status of a switchable object

oopsNote ( )msg_neu.t[583]
Show a note about the OOPS command. This is, by default, added to the "I don't know that word" error the first time that error occurs.

openMsg (obj)msg_neu.t[1660]
open/closed status - these are simply adjectives that can be used to describe the status of an openable object

openStatusMsg (obj)msg_neu.t[1668]
stand-alone independent clause describing current open status

parserErrorString (actor, msg)msg_neu.t[442]
Show a pre-resolved error message string. This simply displays the given string.

pauseEnded ( )msg_neu.t[897]
PAUSE ended

pausePrompt ( )msg_neu.t[882]
PAUSE prompt

pauseSaving ( )msg_neu.t[891]
saving from within a pause

pcDesc (actor)msg_neu.t[1299]
default description of the player character

putDestBehind (obj)msg_neu.t[254]
no description available

putDestContainer (obj)msg_neu.t[251]
Prepositional phrases for putting objects into different types of objects.

putDestFloor (obj)msg_neu.t[255]
no description available

putDestRoom (obj)msg_neu.t[256]
no description available

putDestSurface (obj)msg_neu.t[252]
no description available

putDestUnder (obj)msg_neu.t[253]
no description available

recordingFailedException (exc)msg_neu.t[972]
recording failed with exception

restoreCanceled ( )msg_neu.t[823]
restore canceled

restoreCorruptedFile ( )msg_neu.t[840]
restore failed because the file was corrupted

restoredDefaults ( )msg_neu.t[1122]

restoreFailed (exc)msg_neu.t[858]
restore failed for some reason other than those distinguished above

restoreFailedOnServer (exc)msg_neu.t[826]
restore failed due to storage server request error

restoreInvalidFile ( )msg_neu.t[833]
restore failed because the file was not a valid saved game file

restoreInvalidMatch ( )msg_neu.t[850]
restore failed because the file was for the wrong game or version

restoreOkay ( )msg_neu.t[820]
successfully restored

roomActorHereDesc (actor)msg_neu.t[1331]
mention that an actor is here, without mentioning the enclosing room, as part of a room description

roomActorPostureDesc (actor)msg_neu.t[1375]
Describe an actor's posture, as part of an actor's "examine" description. If the actor is standing, don't bother mentioning anything, as standing is the trivial default condition.

roomActorStatus (actor)msg_neu.t[1310]
Show a status line addendum for the actor posture, without mentioning the actor's location. We won't mention standing, since this is the default posture.

roomActorThereDesc (actor)msg_neu.t[1342]
mention that an actor is visible at a distance or remotely, without mentioning the enclosing room, as part of a room description

saveCanceled ( )msg_neu.t[787]
save canceled

savedDefaults ( )msg_neu.t[1108]
SAVE DEFAULTS successful

saveFailed (exc)msg_neu.t[790]
saved failed due to a file write or similar error

saveFailedOnServer (exc)msg_neu.t[798]
save failed due to storage server request error

saveOkay ( )msg_neu.t[784]
successfully saved

sayArriving (traveler)msg_neu.t[1470]
a traveler is arriving, but not from a compass direction

sayArrivingDir (traveler, dirName)msg_neu.t[1514]
a traveler is arriving from a compass direction

sayArrivingDownStairs (traveler, stairs)msg_neu.t[1618]
a traveler is arriving by coming down a stairway

sayArrivingLocally (traveler, dest)msg_neu.t[1487]
a traveler is arriving locally (staying within view throughout the travel, and coming closer to the PC)

sayArrivingShipDir (traveler, dirName)msg_neu.t[1530]
a traveler is arriving from a shipboard direction

sayArrivingThroughPassage (traveler, passage)msg_neu.t[1574]
a traveler is arriving via a passage

sayArrivingUpStairs (traveler, stairs)msg_neu.t[1609]
a traveler is arriving by coming up a stairway

sayArrivingViaPath (traveler, passage)msg_neu.t[1588]
a traveler is arriving via a path

sayDeparting (traveler)msg_neu.t[1477]
a traveler is departing, but not in a compass direction

sayDepartingAft (traveler)msg_neu.t[1546]
a traveler is going aft

sayDepartingDir (traveler, dirName)msg_neu.t[1521]
a traveler is leaving in a given compass direction

sayDepartingDownStairs (traveler, stairs)msg_neu.t[1602]
a traveler is leaving down a stairway

sayDepartingFore (traveler)msg_neu.t[1555]
a traveler is going fore

sayDepartingLocally (traveler, dest)msg_neu.t[1497]
a traveler is departing locally (staying within view throughout the travel, and moving further away from the PC)

sayDepartingShipDir (traveler, dirName)msg_neu.t[1537]
a traveler is leaving in a given shipboard direction

sayDepartingThroughPassage (traveler, passage)msg_neu.t[1567]
a traveler is leaving via a passage

sayDepartingUpStairs (traveler, stairs)msg_neu.t[1595]
a traveler is leaving up a stairway

sayDepartingViaPath (traveler, passage)msg_neu.t[1581]
a traveler is leaving via a path

sayDepartingWith (traveler, lead)msg_neu.t[1627]
acompanying another actor on travel

sayDepartingWithGuide (guide, lead)msg_neu.t[1642]
Accompanying a tour guide. Note the seemingly reversed roles: the lead actor is the one initiating the travel, and the tour guide is the accompanying actor. So, the lead actor is effectively following the accompanying actor. It seems backwards, but really it's not: the tour guide merely shows the lead actor where to go, but it's up to the lead actor to actually initiate the travel.

sayOpenDoorRemotely (door, stat)msg_neu.t[1649]
note that a door is being opened/closed remotely

sayTravelingRemotely (traveler, dest)msg_neu.t[1507]
a traveler is traveling remotely (staying within view through the travel, and moving from one remote top-level location to another)

scoreChange (delta)msg_neu.t[322]
score change - notification other than the first time

scriptingFailedException (exc)msg_neu.t[943]
scripting failed with an exception

scriptingOkay ( )msg_neu.t[923]
acknowledge scripting on

scriptingOkayWebTemp ( )msg_neu.t[930]
no description available

shortFootnoteStatus (stat)msg_neu.t[419]
show the footnote status, in short form

shortNotifyStatus (stat)msg_neu.t[617]
show the current score notify status, in short form

shortVerboseStatus (stat)msg_neu.t[607]
show the current VERBOSE setting, in short form

showCredit (name, byline)msg_neu.t[157]
show a library credit (for a CREDITS listing)

showFinishMsg (msg)msg_neu.t[765]
Show a game-finishing message - we use the conventional "*** You have won! ***" format that text games have been using since the dawn of time.

showFootnoteStatus (stat)msg_neu.t[373]
show the current footnote status

showListState (state)msg_neu.t[171]
Show a list state name - this is extra state information that we show for an object in a listing involving the object. For example, a light source might add a state like "(providing light)". We simply show the list state name in parentheses.

showNotifyStatus (stat)msg_neu.t[610]
show the current score notify status

showScoreMessage (points, maxPoints, turns)msg_neu.t[280]
show the basic score message

showScoreNoMaxMessage (points, turns)msg_neu.t[288]
show the basic score message with no maximum

showScoreRankMessage (msg)msg_neu.t[295]
show the full message for a given score rank string

showVersion (name, version)msg_neu.t[160]
show a library version number (for a VERSION listing)

silentImplicitAction (action, ctx)msg_neu.t[141]
Announce a silent implied action. This allows an implied action to work exactly as normal (including the suppression of a default response message), but without any announcement of the implied action.

smellDescSeparator ( )msg_neu.t[547]
separator for "smell" results - we ordinarily show each item's odor description as a separate paragraph

smellIsFromWithin (obj, loc)msg_neu.t[1287]
odor is coming from inside/outside a container

smellIsFromWithout (obj, loc)msg_neu.t[1292]
no description available

soundDescSeparator ( )msg_neu.t[555]
separator for "listen" results

soundIsFromWithin (obj, loc)msg_neu.t[1275]
sound is coming from inside/outside a container

soundIsFromWithout (obj, loc)msg_neu.t[1280]
no description available

systemActionToNPC ( )msg_neu.t[714]
system actions cannot be directed to non-player characters

textMenuMainPrompt (keylist)msg_neu.t[1184]
main prompt text for text-mode menus - this is displayed each time we ask for a keystroke to navigate a menu in text-only mode

textMenuTopicPrompt ( )msg_neu.t[1192]
prompt text for topic lists in text-mode menus

thingFeelDesc (obj)msg_neu.t[222]
generic "feel" description of a Thing

thingTasteDesc (obj)msg_neu.t[214]
generic "taste" description of a Thing

tipStatusShort (stat)msg_neu.t[347]
describe the tip mode setting

undoFailed ( )msg_neu.t[1007]
undo command failed

undoOkay (actor, cmd)msg_neu.t[994]
undo command succeeded

unlitMatchDesc (obj)msg_neu.t[242]
no description available

unlockedMsg (obj)msg_neu.t[1672]
no description available

webNewUser (name)msg_neu.t[1732]
web UI alert when a new user has joined a multi-user session

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 8/21/2012 from TADS version 3.1.2