
The settings manager. This object gathers up some global methods for managing the saved settings. This base class provides only a programmatic interface - it doesn't have a user interface.

settingsManager :   object

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Summary of Properties  


Summary of Methods  

restoreSettings  retrieveSettings  saveSettings  storeSettings 




restoreSettings ( )settings.t[327]

Restore all of the settings. If an error occurs, we'll throw an exception:

- SettingsNotSupportedException - this is an older interpreter that doesn't support the "special files" feature, so we can't save or restore the default settings.

retrieveSettings ( )settings.t[347]
Retrieve the settings from the global settings file. This returns a SettingsFileData object that describes the file's contents. Note that if there simply isn't an existing settings file, we'll successfully return a SettingsFileData object with no data - the absence of a settings file isn't an error, but is merely equivalent to an empty settings file.

saveSettings ( )settings.t[300]
Save the current settings. This writes out the current settings to the global settings file.

On any error, the method throws an exception. Possible errors include:

- FileCreationException indicates that the settings file couldn't be opened for writing.

storeSettings (s)settings.t[429]
store the given SettingsFileData to the global settings file

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 8/21/2012 from TADS version 3.1.2