
Production match ranking object. We create one of these objects for each match tree that we wish to rank.

This class is generally not instantiated by client code - instead, clients use the sortByRanking() class method to rank a list of production matches.

class CommandRanking :   ResolveResults

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

actorSpecifiedCount  allExcludedCount  allowActionRemapping  ambigCount  commandCount  emptyButCount  endAdjCount  indefiniteCount  inSingleObjSlot  insufficientCount  inTopicSlot  listForSingle  literalLength  match  miscWordListCount  missingCount  nonMatchCount  nonMatchPossCount  nounSlotCount  pluralTruncCount  pronounCount  rankingCriteria  tokCount  truncCount  unknownWordCount  unwantedPluralCount  vocabNonMatchCount  weaknessLevel 

Summary of Methods  

allNotAllowed  ambiguousNounPhrase  askMissingObject  beginSingleObjSlot  beginTopicSlot  calcRanking  compareRanking  construct  emptyNounPhrase  endSingleObjSlot  endTopicSlot  getImpliedObject  incCommandCount  insufficientQuantity  noMatch  noMatchForAll  noMatchForAllBut  noMatchForListBut  noMatchForLocation  noMatchForPossessive  noMatchForPronoun  noMatchPossessive  noteActorSpecified  noteAdjEnding  noteBadPrep  noteEmptyBut  noteIndefinite  noteLiteral  noteMatches  noteMiscWordList  noteNounSlots  notePlural  notePronoun  noteWeakPhrasing  nothingInLocation  noVocabMatch  reflexiveNotAllowed  singleObjectRequired  sortByRanking  uniqueObjectRequired  unknownNounPhrase  wrongReflexive  zeroQuantity 



an actor is specified

number of "all" or "any" lists totally excluded by "but"

don't allow action remapping while ranking

number of ambiguous noun phrases

number of subcommands in the command

number of empty "but" lists

number of phrases ending in adjectives

number of phrases with indefinite noun phrase structure

no description available

number of phrases requiring quantity higher than can be fulfilled

no description available

number of noun lists in single-noun slots

total character length of literal text phrases

the match tree I'm ranking

number of miscellaneous word lists as noun phrases

missing phrases (structurally omitted, as in "put book")

number of noun phrases matching nothing in scope

Number of possessive-qualified noun phrases matching nothing in scope. For example, "bob's desk" when there's no desk in scope (Bob's or otherwise).

The number of structural "noun phrase slots" in the verb. An intransitive verb has no noun phrase slots; a transitive verb with a direct object has one; a verb with a direct and indirect object has two slots.

number of truncated plurals

number of pronoun phrases

Our list of ranking criteria. This is a list of CommandRankingCriterion objects. The list is given in order of importance: the first criterion is the most important, so if it can discriminate the two match trees, we use its result; if the first criterion can't tell any difference, then we move on to the second criterion; and so on through the list.

The most important thing is whether or not we have irresolvable noun phrases (vocabNonMatchCount). If one of us has a noun phrase that refers to nothing anywhere in the game, it's not as good as a phrase that at least matches something somewhere.

Next, if one of us has noun phrases that cannot be resolved to something in scope (nonMatchCount), and the other can successfully resolve its noun phrases, the one that can resolve the phrases is preferred.

Next, check for insufficient numbers of matches to counted phrases (insufficientCount).

Next, check for noun lists in single-noun-only slots (listForSingle).

Next, if we have an empty "but" list in one but not the other, take the one with the non-empty "but" list (emptyButCount). We prefer a non-empty "but" list with an empty "all" even to a non-empty "all" list with an empty "but", because in the latter case we probably failed to exclude anything because we misinterpreted the noun phrase to be excluded.

Next, if we have an empty "all" or "any" phrase due to "but" exclusion, take the one that's not empty (allExcludedCount).

Next, prefer a command that addresses an actor (actorSpecifiedCount) - if the actor name looks like a command (we have someone named "Open Bob," maybe?), we'd prefer to interpret the name appearing as a command prefix as an actor name.

Next, prefer no unstructured word lists as noun phrases (miscWordList phrases) (miscWordListCount).

Next, prefer interpretations that treat less text as uninterpreted literal text. By "less text," we simply mean that one has a shorter string treated as a literal than the other.

Prefer no indefinite noun phrases (indefiniteCount).

Prefer no truncated plurals (pluralTruncCount).

Prefer no noun phrases ending in adjectives (endAdjCount).

Prefer no truncated words of any kind (truncCount).

Prefer fewer pronouns. If we have an interpretation that matches a word to explicit vocabulary, take it over matching a word as a pronoun: if a word is given explicitly as vocabulary for an object, use it if possible.

Prefer no missing phrases (missingCount).

Prefer the one with fewer subcommands - if one has fewer subcommands than the other, it means that we were able to interpret ambiguous conjunctions (such as "and") as noun phrase conjunctions rather than as command conjunctions; since we know by now that we both either have or don't have unresolved noun phrases, we'd rather take the interpretation that gives us noun phrases than the one that involves more separate commands.

Prefer the tree that matches more tokens.

Prefer the one with more structural noun phrases in the verb. For example, if we have one interpretation that's DETACH (X FROM Y) (where X FROM Y is a 'locational' phrase that we treat as the direct object), and one that's DETACH X FROM Y (where X is the direct object and Y is in the indirect object), prefer the latter, because it has both direct and indirect object phrases, whereas the former has only a direct object phrase. English speakers almost always try to put prepositions into a structural role in the verb phrase like this when they could be either in the verb phrase or part of a noun phrase.

If all else fails, prefer the one that is initially less ambiguous. Ambiguity is a weak test at this point, since we might end up narrowing things down through automatic "logicalness" tests later, but it's slightly better to have the match be less ambiguous now, all other things being equal.

the number of tokens my match tree consumes

number of truncated words overall

unknown words

number of plural phrases encountered in single-object slots

number of noun phrases matching nothing anywhere in the game

weakness level (for noteWeakPhrasing)


allNotAllowed ( )parser.t[6419]

note that we have an unmatched possessive-qualified noun phrase

ambiguousNounPhrase (keeper, asker, txt, matchList, fullMatchList, scopeList, requiredNum, resolver)parser.t[6490]
treat this as any other noun phrase that matches nothing

askMissingObject (asker, resolver, responseProd)parser.t[6553]
count the missing object phrase

beginSingleObjSlot ( )parser.t[6648]
if this object was matched with a truncated plural, note it

beginTopicSlot ( )parser.t[6652]
no description available

calcRanking (resolveArguments)parser.t[6133]
calculate my ranking

compareRanking (other)parser.t[6160]
Compare two production list entries for ranking purposes. Returns a negative number if this one ranks worse than the other, 0 if they have the same ranking, or a positive number if this one ranks better than the other one.

This routine is designed to run entirely off of our rankingCriteria property. In most cases, subclasses should be able to customize the ranking system simply by overriding the rankingCriteria property to provide a customized list of criteria objects.

construct (match)parser.t[6123]
create a new entry

emptyNounPhrase (resolver)parser.t[6569]
add the length of this literal to the total literal length

endSingleObjSlot ( )parser.t[6649]
no description available

endTopicSlot ( )parser.t[6653]
no description available

getImpliedObject (np, resolver)parser.t[6546]
return the results

incCommandCount ( )parser.t[6669]
If we're resolving a single-object slot, we want to avoid plurals, since they could resolve to multiple objects as though we'd typed a list of objects here. This isn't a problem for topics, though, since a topic slot isn't iterated for execution.

insufficientQuantity (txt, matchList, requiredNum)parser.t[6582]
treat this as a non-matching noun phrase

noMatch (action, txt)parser.t[6406]
note the unknown phrase

noMatchForAll ( )parser.t[6425]
treat this as a non-matching noun phrase

noMatchForAllBut ( )parser.t[6437]
note it

noMatchForListBut ( )parser.t[6443]
count the total exclusion

noMatchForLocation (loc, txt)parser.t[6473]
treat this as any other noun phrase that matches nothing

noMatchForPossessive (owner, txt)parser.t[6467]
treat this as any other noun phrase that matches nothing

noMatchForPronoun (typ, txt)parser.t[6449]
treat this as any other noun phrase that matches nothing

noMatchPossessive (action, txt)parser.t[6412]
note that we have a noun phrase that matches nothing

noteActorSpecified ( )parser.t[6675]
increase our subcommand counter

noteAdjEnding ( )parser.t[6602]
ignore this for now - we might get a unique object via disambiguation during the execution phase

noteBadPrep ( )parser.t[6479]
treat this as any other noun phrase that matches nothing

noteEmptyBut ( )parser.t[6431]
treat this as any other noun phrase that matches nothing

noteIndefinite ( )parser.t[6608]
count it

noteLiteral (txt)parser.t[6563]
no need to do anything here - we'll count the missing object in getImpliedObject, and we don't want to ask for anything interactively at this point

noteMatches (matchList)parser.t[6629]
note the presence of a pronoun

noteMiscWordList (txt)parser.t[6614]
count it

noteNounSlots (cnt)parser.t[6681]
note it

notePlural ( )parser.t[6656]
no description available

notePronoun ( )parser.t[6623]
count this as a literal as well

noteWeakPhrasing (level)parser.t[6694]
If this is the first noun slot count we've received, remember it. If we already have a count, ignore the new one - we only want to consider the first verb phrase if there are multiple verb phrases, since we'll reconsider the next verb phrase when we're ready to execute it.

nothingInLocation (txt)parser.t[6484]
don't do anything at this point

noVocabMatch (action, txt)parser.t[6400]
ResolveResults implementation. We use this results receiver when we're comparing the semantic strengths of multiple structural matches, so we merely note each error condition without showing any message to the user or asking the user for any input. Once we've ranked all of the matches, we'll choose the one with the best attributes and then resolve it for real, at which point if we chose one with any errors, we'll finally get around to showing the errors to the user.

reflexiveNotAllowed (typ, txt)parser.t[6455]
treat this as any other noun phrase that matches nothing

singleObjectRequired (txt)parser.t[6588]
treat this as a non-matching noun phrase

sortByRanking (lst, [resolveArguments])parser.t[6095]
Sort a list of productions, as returned from GrammarProd.parseTokens(), in descending order of command strength. We return a list of CommandRanking objects whose first element is the best command interpretation.

Note that this can be used as a class-level method.

uniqueObjectRequired (txt, matchList)parser.t[6594]
treat this as a non-matching noun phrase

unknownNounPhrase (match, resolver)parser.t[6516]
return the abbreviated list

wrongReflexive (typ, txt)parser.t[6461]
treat this as any other noun phrase that matches nothing

zeroQuantity (txt)parser.t[6576]
treat this as a non-matching noun phrase

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 8/21/2012 from TADS version 3.1.2