parser.tfilesource file

TADS 3 Library: parser

This modules defines the language-independent parts of the command parser.

Portions based on xiny.t, copyright 2002 by Steve Breslin and incorporated by permission.

Summary of Classes  

ActorResolveResults  AllInContainerNounPhraseProd  AllPluralProd  AmbigResponseKeeper  ArbitraryNounProd  BasicContainerResolver  BasicPossessiveProd  BasicProd  BasicResolveResults  BothPluralProd  ButPossessiveProd  ButProd  CancelCommandLineException  commandPhrase(ambiguousConj)  commandPhrase(definiteConj)  CommandProd  CommandProdWithActor  CommandProdWithAmbiguousConj  CommandProdWithDefiniteConj  CommandRanking  CommandRankingByProblem  CommandRankingByWeakness  CommandRankingCriterion  ContainerNounPhraseProd  ContainerResolver  DefiniteNounProd  DefinitePluralProd  DirectionProd  DisambigPossessiveProd  DisambigProd  EmptyLiteralPhraseProd  EmptyNounPhraseProd  EmptyTopicPhraseProd  EverythingButProd  EverythingProd  ExactQuantifiedPluralProd  ExactQuantifiedPossessivePluralProd  ExceptListProd  ExceptResolver  ExceptResults  firstCommandPhrase(commandOnly)  FirstCommandProd  FirstCommandProdWithActor  HerAdjProd  HerProd  HerselfProd  HersNounProd  HimProd  HimselfProd  HisAdjProd  HisNounProd  ImpliedActorNounPhraseProd  IndefiniteNounButProd  IndefiniteNounProd  ItProd  ItsAdjProd  ItselfProd  ItsNounProd  LayeredNounPhraseProd  ListButProd  LiteralProd  MeProd  MineNounProd  MissingObjectRanking  MyAdjProd  NounListProd  NounPhraseProd  NounPhraseWithVocab  OopsResults  ParseFailureException  ParserException  PluralProd  PossessiveNounProd  PossessivePluralProd  PossessivePronounAdjProd  PossessivePronounNounProd  PreResolvedAmbigProd  PreResolvedLiteralProd  PreResolvedProd  PronounProd  QuantifiedPluralProd  ReflexivePronounProd  ReplacementCommandStringException  ResolveAsker  ResolveInfo  ResolveResults  RetryCommandTokensException  SingleNounProd  SingleNounWithListProd  StillToResolveItem  TerminateCommandException  TheirAdjProd  TheirsNounProd  ThemProd  ThemselvesProd  TokenListProd  TopicProd  TryAsActorResolveResults  VagueContainerDefiniteNounPhraseProd  VagueContainerIndefiniteNounPhraseProd  VagueContainerNounPhraseProd  VagueContainerResolver  YouProd  YourAdjProd  YoursNounProd 

Summary of Global Objects  

rankByActorSpecified  rankByAllExcluded  rankByAmbiguity  rankByEmptyBut  rankByEndAdj  rankByIndefinite  rankByInsufficient  rankByListForSingle  rankByLiteralLength  rankByMiscWordList  rankByMissing  rankByNonMatch  rankByNonMatchPoss  rankByPluralTrunc  rankByPronoun  rankBySubcommands  rankByTokenCount  rankByTrunc  rankByUnwantedPlural  rankByVerbStructure  rankByVocabNonMatch  rankByWeakness 

Summary of Global Functions  

getResolvedObjects  intersectNounLists  spliceList  tryAskingForObject  tryOops  tryOopsMain 

Global Functions  

getResolvedObjects (lst)parser.t[485]

Extract the objects from a list obtained with resolveNouns(). Returns a list composed only of the objects in the resolution information list.

intersectNounLists (lst1, lst2)parser.t[447]
Intersect two resolved noun lists, returning a list consisting only of the unique objects from the two lists.

spliceList (lst, idx, newItems)parser.t[4538]
splice a new sublist into a list, replacing the item at 'idx'

tryAskingForObject (issuingActor, targetActor, resolver, results, responseProd)parser.t[4556]
Try reading a response to a missing object question. If we successfully read a noun phrase that matches the given production rule, we'll resolve it, stash the resolved list in the resolvedObjects_ property of the match tree, and return the match tree. If they enter something that doesn't look like a response to the question at all, we'll throw a new-command exception to process it.

tryOops (tokList, issuingActor, targetActor, firstTokenIndex, cmdTokenList, cmdType)parser.t[4336]
Look for an undefined word in a list of tokens, and give the player a chance to correct a typo with "OOPS" if appropriate.

If we find an unknown word and we can prompt for interactive resolution, we'll do so, and we'll throw an appropriate exception to handle the response. If we can't resolve the missing word interactively, we'll throw a parse failure exception.

If there are no undefined words in the command, we'll simply return.

tokList is the list of tokens under examination; this is a subset of the full command token list. cmdTokenList is the full command token list, in the usual tokenizer format. firstTokenIndex is the index of the first token in tokList within cmdTokenList.

cmdType is an rmcXxx code giving the type of input we're reading.

tryOopsMain (tokList, issuingActor, targetActor, firstTokenIndex, cmdTokenList, cmdType)parser.t[4347]
main "oops" processor

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 8/21/2012 from TADS version 3.1.2